Million Dollar Baby Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Million Dollar Baby.

Quote #7

FRANKIE: But now, she wants to die. And I just want to keep her with me.

Frankie grapples with doing right by Maggie and keeping her alive against her wishes. Far cry from the grumpy old guy who didn't teach girls, huh?

Quote #8

SCRAP: I found you a fighter, and you made her the best fighter she could be.

FRANKIE: I killed her.

SCRAP: Don't say that. Maggie walked through that door with nothing but guts, no chance in the world of being what she needed to be. A year and a half later, she's fighting for the championship of the world. You did that. People die everyday, mopping floors, washing dishes. And you know what their last thought is? I never got my shot. Because of you, Maggie got her shot. If she dies today, you know what her last thought will be? "I think I did all right."

Frankie blames himself for what happened to Maggie big-time, so Scrap tries to show him how foolish that is. He points out the fact that Frankie set Maggie up for success and gave her everything she needed to achieve her dream of becoming a boxing champ. In other words, he didn't kill her; he loved her like a parent.

Quote #9

FRANKIE: "Mo cuishle" means my darling. My blood.

It's about time. Frankie takes forever to tell Maggie what "mo cuishle" means, but when he does, it's worth the wait. As far as he's concerned, she's his daughter. Maybe he called his own daughter that and it was hard for him to call anyone else by that term of endearment.