Missing May Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

When May died, Ob and me had to talk business with the funeral parlor, religion with the preacher, and make small talk with dozens of relatives and people we'd hardly ever seen before. (5.8)

Summer doesn't even have the time to properly grieve the death of her mother figure, and after May's death, she has to go around and take care of all the business like a little adult. That totally isn't fair… but neither is a lot of what's happened to Summer in her life.

Quote #5

I felt lost. I might as well have been spinning in a round metal tub, in a twenty-foot wall of water, washing down off that mountain. Just lost forever in Deep Water. (5.37)

Sometimes growing up and having to face the realities of adult life isn't all rainbows and sunshine. Sometimes you feel more lost than ever when you realize that you have more responsibilities on your shoulders.

Quote #6

I went out to the kitchen and called the junior high to let them know I wouldn't be coming anytime that day, and I got a pot of coffee brewing[...] I sat down with my coffee and wished I had a medical book in the house, something that might give me some clues on how to help Ob. (6.31)

Summer is pretty much stepping in to parent Uncle Ob at this point. She drinks coffee every morning like a grown-up and even makes sure that she's home to feed and watch over Uncle Ob when he's too depressed to get out of bed.