Missing May The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Ob was never embarrassed about being a disabled navy man who fiddled with whirligigs all day long, and I never was embarrassed about being a kid who'd been passed around for years. (2.40)

Within the confines of their home, Ob and Summer are completely comfortable. They don't feel self-conscious because they know that they can be completely themselves here—Aunt May gives them the room to do so.

Quote #5

"I never was no hand at housekeeping. Maybe there was a time I could've learned. But it's too late for me now, and I don't know that I can do all that needs to be done to keep this place running." (6.43)

Without May, Uncle Ob and Summer are running around like chickens with their heads cut off. They seriously don't know what to do to keep their home alive. They're pretty lost without her to guide them.

Quote #6

I knew he meant me—he meant keep me running. The trailer could take care of itself. He wasn't so sure I could. (6.44)

Oh, geez. Is Uncle Ob talking about sending Summer away? We know that Summer would never be happy with that; she's stuck on Uncle Ob and May. They're her parents now.