Missing May The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Ob must have thought that by talking about May there in that place, painting her before Cletus's ignorant eyes, he could flood the garden with the vibrations needed to draw her to us. (5.4)

Even though Uncle Ob and Summer aren't exactly church-going folk, they're still hopeful that Aunt May will come to them. They still want to believe that there's a way to communicate with her.

Quote #5

"Ob's got visions, Summer. Just like you, except you're always fighting yours off." (5.35)

Man, Cletus does not take kindly to Summer's skepticism. The way he sees it, she's actively trying not to believe in Uncle Ob's brushes with Aunt May's spirit. Do you think she's just trying to protect herself from disappointment?

Quote #6

"The pastor there, it says, can communicate with the dead. Says that's what the whole church is about. Making connections between this world and the other side. This isn't any ordinary church." (7.5)

Uncle Ob is so desperate for a connection to Aunt May that he's willing to put all his faith in a strange little cut-out from the newspaper. Although most people would look at this ad with a raised eyebrow, he immediately decides to go see the church.