Monster Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I hope I didn't shout out in my sleep. That would look weak to everybody. It's not good to be weak in here. (5.9)

It's a difficult balance to strike—it's not good to be weak, yet it's also not good to be overly strong. In either case, you're a target, and Steve learns it's better to play the middle.

Quote #5

They lay STEVE on the table for the lethal injection and strap him down.

CU of STEVE's face. He is terrified. (6.56-57)

Fear is often the result of something that hasn't happened yet (hello anxiety dreams about showing up naked to school), so even though this is only a hypothetical flash forward in the screenplay (meaning it isn't real), it terrifies Steve nonetheless.

Quote #6

You ain't got the heart to be nothing but a lame. Everybody knows that. You might be hanging with some people, but when the deal goes down, you won't be around. (6.95)

Osvaldo claims that Steve's fear will keep him from getting involved in a scam, but getting involved seems to make life a whole lot scarier. Is it braver to be involved in street activity or to stay out of it despite pressure to join?