Monster Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Monster? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. How did Steve first find out about the murder?

Chuck Norris sent him a text.
He saw a news report on TV.
Bobo told him.
He overheard two women talking in the street.
Q. What did Steve's mom have to do before the detectives took Steve away?

She had to pick up Jerry from school.
She had to grab her coat.
She had to go line dancing at the county fair.
She had to call Steve's father.
Q. Why did Jerry want Steve to be Batman?

His bedroom is full of bats and guano.
He is tough but loyal.
Because Batman has a sweet ride.
So that he could be Robin.
Q. To what did Mr. Sawicki compare the audience of a film?

a jury
Madonna groupies
a herd of sheep
a prosecuting attorney
Q. What did Steve say to Tony that made the tough dude think Tony hit his girlfriend with the ball?

"You really shouldn't have done that!"
"Steeeee-rike three!"
Nothing—he just stared wide-eyed at him.