More Than Human Part 2, Section 2 Summary

  • Stern explains different, short definitions of psychiatry, then calls them all bad, including one that emphasizes sexual motivations. He says they try to simplify psychiatry, and his view is that only Gerry can figure out and cure whatever's wrong with himself. The psychotherapist's job is just to make the patient believe he's listening selectively.
  • Stern asks why Gerry was worried that someone might learn of this conversation. The teen answers that he wants to find out why he killed someone. Unfazed, the psychotherapist asks him to lie down on the couch. Gerry feels self-conscious and makes a punny joke. (How about these puns?)
  • The psychotherapist asks the teen how old he is. Gerry says "Uh" and fifteen and they argue over whether he's telling the truth. Eventually the psychotherapist merely waits, which makes Gerry feel defeated and say he was actually thinking of the number eight.
  • Stern says Okay, you're eight now. Gerry begins to remember being eight and how he lived at a government-run orphanage and felt hate. He grunts and imagines a figure eight in his mind. He tells himself to look through it regardless of whether or not he likes what he sees.
  • At eight he was lying in a cold ditch dying (having just run away from the orphanage, as we learned he would in Part 1).
  • Someone kicks him. He feels doomed. It's a tall man with a shaggy face standing over him. The man tells him to get up and come along. Gerry tries to fight with a rock but is disarmed. The man is patient with Gerry until he follows.
  • They walk a while, and then Gerry falls down, exhausted and in pain. The man tells him not to sleep, and that he wants to give him food and shelter. The tall man asks the eight year old if it's okay to carry him. Gerry agrees, reassured that the man respected his independence.
  • Finally they arrive at a cave-like shelter. An auto battery is powering light bulbs, and there are boxes and stools. The man is revealed to be Lone.
  • Lone asks Baby what Gerry is. The teen looks at the three kids in the room, who somehow seem to be more than just three individuals. A girl, obviously Janie, is painting with her hands, a little black girl about five is gaping at him, and the baby is waving his limbs around and drooling.
  • Janie says he's Gerry and angry. Lone keeps up his questions, and Gerry is confused why the man is asking Baby but the girl is answering.
  • Janie explains that Gerry ran away from a state school and that no one "bleshed" with him. Thinking Lone is from the school, Gerry tries to flee, but Janie uses her freaky telepathy to make the teen sit on a stool.
  • Lone asks Baby if they need anything from Gerry. Janie says Gerry is the one.
  • The man is pleasantly surprised and tells Gerry he can live with them and that he didn't come from any school. Janie tells Lone that Gerry hates him and that he should feed him. Lone begins cooking. This is making us hungry.
  • One of the twins gawks at Gerry until he asks her why. Then they do a "Gerry ho-ho" and "Gerry hee-hee" act, their clothes vanishing whenever they teleport, until Lone tells them to knock it out. Janie introduces the twins and the rest to Gerry, who merely acknowledges the introductions.
  • Lone feeds Gerry and the teen throws up. Janie uses telekinesis to clean up the vomit. After eating they go to sleep when Lone says so, and Gerry says he has to use the bathroom. Janie uses telekinesis to take care of Gerry's bathroom problem. Eww.