More Than Human Steaminess Rating

Exactly how steamy is this story?


The only thing that keeps us from rating this book X is that you have to infer the sex from scarce details. There's plenty of it suggested, though, and for the most part, it's not pleasant.

For starters, you have Mr. Kew's disturbing relationship with Alicia, which involves a lot of implied sadistic sexual abuse. Don't you think it's a little suspicious that she's so excited to be severely whipped by her father? We certainly do.

There's also the whole mess surrounding Gerry's first probe into Alicia's mind. This is when he sees Lone and Alicia having sex. Remember, Lone was Gerry's father figure, and Alicia was the closest thing to a mother he had. Seeing his two parental figures getting jiggy with it was so traumatizing that he blocked the memory for years. Is anyone else seeing the parallels to Oedipus here?

So yeah, sex is a pretty major player in this story, and it's not always pretty. R for lots of implied and disturbing steaminess. Sorry, kids.