More Than Human Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from More Than Human.

Morality and Ethics Quotes

"I just ran loose, sort of in training to be the village idiot [...] the way people lived didn't make no sense to me. Out here I can grow like I want." (2.12.36-38)

Memory and The Past Quotes

One does not realize that for a six-year-old the path of memory stretches back for just as long a lifetime as it does for anyone, and is as full of detail and incident. Gerry had had trouble enough...

Isolation Quotes

Men turned away from him, women would not look, children stopped and watched him. It did not seem to matter to the idiot. He expected nothing from any of them. (1.1.2)

Friendship Quotes

Touch me, touch me. It was that, and a great swelling of emotion behind it: it was a hunger, a demand, a flood of sweetness and of need. (1.5.7)

Identity Quotes

Name. He made a reaching, a flash of demand, and it returned to him carrying what might be called a definition. [...] "Name" is the single thing which is me and what I have done and been and learne...

Compassion and Forgiveness Quotes

When he had been there a year, Mrs. Prodd remembered and baked him a cake. Impulsively she put four candles on it. [...]He bent his head and blew. They laughed together and rose and came to him, an...

Innocence Quotes

Without words [...] Impression, depression, dialogue. Radiations of fear, tense fields of awareness, discontent. Murmuring, sending, speaking, sharing, from hundreds, from thousands of voices. [......

Race Quotes

She said aloud, in admiration, "Ho-ho . . ." There was no anger left in her. Four days ago the twins couldn't even reach a sixfoot sill. They couldn't even get away from a spanking. And now look. (...