Appearances Quotes in Mortal Engines

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

[Tom] missed Katherine Valentine, although he had known her for only a few minutes. Sometimes, if he closed his eyes, he could see her face quite clearly, her kind gray eyes and her lovely smile. He was sure that she didn't know what sort of man her father was... (6.1)

Tom, sweetheart, you're not sure what sort of girl Katherine is. All you know is that she's a babe. Does that mean she's also a good person?

Quote #5

What a horrible, ugly, vicious, self-pitying girl she was! (15.6)

While we might agree with pretty much everything here, it's interesting that Tom always manages to shoehorn "ugly" into his criticism of Hester. It's not like she she's an America's Next Top Model contestant, and it's her job to look attractive for him. Give it a rest, dude.

Quote #6

[Bevis Pod] pulled down his mask, and he was unexpectedly handsome. (16.43)

It's nice that author Philip Reeve is an equal-opportunity ogler. Not only does Tom first notice the physical hotness of his would-be significant other, but Katherine, too, notices the studliness of her love interest right off the bat.