Courage Quotes in Mortal Engines

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The Lord Mayor will go nowhere without his new bodyguard. (25.2)

The Lord Mayor and courage don't exactly go hand in hand. It's easy to be a stone-cold jerk when you have an all-powerful army of cyborgs following you around.

Quote #8

It felt like a different Thomas that they were talking about, someone brave and strong who understood what had to be done, and felt no doubts. (26.53)

Tom refers to himself as "Thomas" when talking about the brave side of his personality that he doesn't identify with. Does this tell us anything about names in the novel? Does Tom consider himself incomplete without this brave side, in the same way that "Tom" is an incomplete form of "Thomas"?

Quote #9

It was the sort of adventure that Valentine had written about. (28.3)

Well, here we learn that Valentine isn't all lies. Sure, he's a despicable dirt-bag, but he at least performs feats of treachery, instead of just saying he does.