How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
[Tom] had grown used to that face and he would miss [Hester's] lopsided smiles. (26.15)
Tom and Hester might be friends now, but will he ever let her forget that her face has been slashed? Let it go, man. Just. Let. It. Go.
Quote #8
I shouldn't have stopped you [from killing Valentine] before, but I'm glad I did, because the Gut Police would have killed you and then we'd never have met. (29.10)
"And I never would have learned that sometimes killing other people is for the best. At least we have that in common, Hester," says Tom in our little fanfiction universe.
Quote #9
[Hester] wanted [Tom] to know that he was the best thing that had happened to her. (33.56)
Hester starts to feel like she's friends with Tom way after he feels like he's friends with her. They really do complement each other. Hester shows Tom what it means to be independent, and Tom shows Hester that being alive isn't all bad.