Society and Class Quotes in Mortal Engines

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Tom loathed [the Gut]. It was always noisy, and it was staffed by workers from the lower tiers, who were dirty and frightening. (2.3)

Even though Tom is the victim of class discrimination, he isn't immune to classist thinking himself. While "dirty" isn't that subjective (when you're dirty, you're dirty), seeing the lower class as "frightening" might be due to class prejudice.

Quote #5

"Just because they live in the nether boroughs and don't pronounce their Hs doesn't mean they're fools." (2.31)

After all the class prejudice we've seen, this is shockingly progressive—especially coming from Valentine, who has no real regard for human life whatsoever. What did these people do to earn his respect? Also, does this show us that Valentine is more than a cartoonish villain? Is he more complicated than he seems?

Quote #6

Top Tier hangs over the city like an iron crown. [...] It is the smallest, highest, and most important of the seven Tiers, and, though only three buildings stand there, they are the three greatest buildings in London. (7.1)

Ever heard of the 1%? The Top Tier is like that. How is it that something so small in number gets to be so important and so powerful?