How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
Mungo's first shot blew the monkey off the top of Peavey's head in a cloud of singed fur. The second and third went through his chest. He bowed his head, and the mud gulped him down with soft farting noises. (20.44)
Wow, this might just be the most undignified death ever. But it's fitting in that literary sort of way that a despicable pirate like Chrysler Peavey dies such an embarrassing, dirty death.
Quote #8
"If I had not [bombed Marseilles] it would have attacked the Hundred Islands, killing or enslaving hundreds more people than I drowned with my little bomb." (24.24)
Anna Fang seems to see violence as a numbers game. Fewer deaths are better than more deaths in her book... her book of death. Are any deaths actually justified?
Quote #9
They shot [Dog] anyway, the guns giving sharp little cracks and the impact of the bullets wrenching Dog away from [Katherine] and slamming him back against the wall with a yelp. (32.15)
In case you're one of those people who think violence against humans is okay but then gasp in terror whenever the dog is in danger, here you go: animal violence. Now you can get mad at the bad guys.