Septimus Warren Smith Quotes

One cannot bring children into a world like this. One cannot perpetuate suffering, or increase the breed of these lustful animals, who have no lasting emotions, but only whims and vanities, eddying them now this way, now that. (4.81)

Septimus and Rezia would never have children – that would mean bringing more suffering into the world. Human beings can only be miserable, they think.

But failure one conceals. She must take him away into some park. (1.39)

Rezia works very hard to hide Septimus from the world. She doesn’t want others to figure out that he’s mad, because then she’ll have to admit it to herself.

[…] he became engaged one evening when the panic was on him – that he could not feel. (4.89)

Fearing that he was unable to experience emotion, Septimus became engaged at the spur of the moment. The war caused him to become numb, repressing all this feelings, and he hoped that Rezia could restore feeling inside him again.