Choices Quotes in My Sister's Keeper

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

What would I do, if I found out that Izzy needed a kidney, or part of my liver, or marrow? (3.5.49)

Julia tries to put herself in Anna's shoes, but she seems to forget that Anna's shoes are much, much smaller, and Anna has someone forcing those shoes on her, instead of choosing which pair she wants to wear.

Quote #5

"Why don't you grow up? Why don't you figure out that the world doesn't revolve around her?" (4.3.42)

What Jesse is talking about here is Sara's tendency to choose Kate above anyone and everything else. "Growing up" means making some difficult decisions instead of relying on what feels safe.

Quote #6

"I know what's right for Anna," Julia tells me, "but I'm not sure she's mature enough to make her own decisions." (5.1.73)

Julia is sure of her choice here (whatever it is) but she admits later in the novel that she has no clue what's right for Anna. Is anyone mature enough to make this choice for her?