Choices Quotes in My Sister's Keeper

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"If you want to make major decisions, Anna, then you need to start making them now. Not relying on the rest of the world to clean up the messes." (5.1.184)

Anna wants to have her cake and eat it, too. She doesn't want her parents to make decisions for her… but she still doesn't want to take responsibility. No wonder the epigraph for this section is from Hamlet. Everyone is so indecisive.

Quote #8

I put my hands on [Anna's] shoulders. "You don't have to do this if you don't want to, but I know that Kate is counting on you. And Daddy and me." (5.3.89)

Okay, Sara probably thinks that she's giving Anna a choice, but what she's actually giving her is a guilt trip that only the mother of a daughter with kidney failure can give.

Quote #9

"You admitted that you've always considered Kate's health, not Anna's, in making these choices. […] So how can you claim to love them both equally? How can you say that you haven't been favoring one child in your decisions?" (7.1.136)

Is Campbell basically acting Sara to choose who she loves more? It seems like he's asking her to love Anna more, for once, if even for just a little bit.