My Sister's Keeper Part 1 / Chapter 4 Summary

How It All Goes Down


  • Brian is getting ready for the night shift at the fire station. (Will there be some sweet sounds coming down?)
  • At dinner, Kate and Jesse argue like siblings do, while Anna is late to dinner; when she arrives, she's acting like a sullen girl, but no one seems to care.
  • No one even seems to notice when she leaves the table. It's an ancient philosophical dilemma: If an Anna leaves the dinner table and no one sees, did she go to dinner at all?
  • After dinner, Brian asks Sara if something's wrong with Anna, but she writes it off as "she's just being a teenager" (1.3.99).
  • At the fire station, Brian and the guys talk about the arsonist that's been plaguing the down. Will they ever catch this flaming menace?
  • Late that night, Sara drops Anna off at the fire station so she can visit her dad.
  • On the roof of the fire station, they chat about Greek mythology and look at the stars. ("Look! It's Jennifer Lawrence!")