


Character Role Analysis

Anton Chigurh/Carson Wells

Carson Wells doesn't show up until well into the movie, but he offers a nice contrast with Anton Chigurh once he comes around. Wells is a paid mercenary who's only really interested in his bank account. Chigurh on the other hand is a paid mercenary (we assume) who's only really interested in some sort of twisted psychotic code.

We can really see the difference between them when Chigurh sits Wells down in his hotel room and prepares to kill him. Wells promises to give Chigurh two million dollars if he lets him go. Chigurh isn't interested in the money, though. He's interested in having Llewellyn Moss submit to him completely—the money is an afterthought.

In the end, Chigurh shoots Wells and shows us once and for all that unlike Wells, he doesn't care about the types of things normal people do.