Symbols and Tropes
West Texas, 1980No Country has a lot going for it: great acting, great dialogue, star directors. It also has a great setting, with long, gorgeous shots of the West Texas landscape. In fact, the lan...
Point of View
Third-Person OmniscientThe opening of this movie gives us a nice narrative voiceover by Sheriff Ed Tom Bell. And Ed Tom definitely remains the strongest voice of reflection and narration for the re...
Western ThrillerJoel and Ethan Coen showed us that Westerns aren't just for the glory days of black-and-white movie making. They bring back some of the great hallmarks of Westerns, like the street...
What's Up With the Title?
The phrase "No Country for Old Men" comes from the opening line of a poem by W.B. Yeats called "Sailing to Byzantium."The opening stanza reads like this: That is No Country for Old Men. The youngin...
What's Up With the Ending?
"And in the dream I knew he was going on ahead. He was fixin' to make a fire somewhere out in all that dark and cold. And I knew that whenever I got there, he'd be there. Then I woke up."Whew. The...
Shock Rating
RThere's no getting around the fact that No Country for Old Men is a violent movie. Within the first five minutes, you watch Anton Chigurh strangle a police officer with the chain of his handcuffs...