No Country for Old Men Questions

Bring on the tough stuff. There’s not just one right answer.

  1. Why do you think the Coen brothers chose to have the hero of their story killed off-screen by a bunch of characters we know nothing about? What effect does it have on the movie?
  2. When is Moss' best chance to kill Chigurh and why does it go wrong?
  3. Do you hold Moss responsible for getting his wife Carla Jean Moss killed? Do you think Carla Jean actually dies? Why or why not?
  4. What motivates Anton Chigurh? Why does the guy get up in the morning? Try to find evidence in the movie to help support your answer.
  5. What's the point of Chigurh's car accident toward the end of the movie? What does it tell us about the movie's overall view of the world?
  6. Do you sympathize with Sherriff Ed Tom or is he just a whiner? Why?
  7. If you had to take a stab at it, what would you say is the message of this movie? Why?
  8. What is the point of Sherriff Ed Tom's final speech? What does he say that makes you think so?