No Country for Old Men Resources


Seems Legit

If you're looking for official No Country for Old Men resources, the Miramax site's for you.

Fanboys (and Girls) United

This page also claims to be an official No Country for Old Men site, but from what we can tell it's just a page where fans get to talk about how great the Coen Brothers are. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

We "Like" This One

If you want to enlist in the No Country for Old Men fan army, be sure to "like" the movie—then sit back and wait for great quotes and clips to show up in your newsfeed.

Book or TV Adaptations

The Novelistic Treatment

To be fair, the movie is an adaptation of this book rather than the other way around. Either way, it's worth a read—just make sure you have a dictionary handy.

Articles and Interviews

One-Hit Wonder or Instant Classic?

Check out this article from TIME Magazine to help figure out why No Country for Old Men is such an awesome movie.

Confabbing with the Coens

The directors of No Country for Old Men open up about some of their ambitions in creating their masterpiece. (Ambition #1: be totally awesome.)

Cage Match: Book vs. Film

Okay, let's get some answers: is the book or movie better? Aw, don't make us choose.


Heads or Tails

Watch Anton Chigurh as he tries to decide whether or not to kill a random gas station clerk. It's a real hoot. Not really.

Famous Last Words

Click here to watch one of the best exchanges of dialogue you'll ever see as Carson Wells sits down at Llewellyn Moss's Bedside.


The Talkies

If you're in for a long drive somewhere, throw on the No Country for Old Men audiobook to see how the novel stacks up against the movie.


Funny Pages

And by "funny," we mean "a funny feeling." Let's just hope you can still sleep at night after looking into Anton Chigurh's eyes in this cartoon rendering of the movie's three main characters.


Here's a picture of Chigurh chilling with his silenced shotgun. Excuse us while we go double check to make sure our doors are locked.

The Only Ones for Us Are the Mad Ones

In this gif, Carson Wells asks Anton Chigurh the question most of us are probably thinking.