Moss (Josh Brolin)’s Timeline and Summary

Moss (Josh Brolin)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Llewellyn Moss is out hunting deer when he finds a trail of blood that leads him to a group of trucks parked out in the desert. When he inspects the trucks he finds the remains of a botched drug deal, with all kinds of dead people and dogs lying everywhere.
  • Moss uses his deductive powers to figure out that there must have been money at the drug deal and someone must have gotten away with it. He tracks this person until he finds the guy sitting dead beneath a tree. He takes the money and heads home.
  • Later that night, Moss can't sleep because he feels bad about leaving a survivor of the botched drug buy to die of thirst out in the desert. He fills a jug of water and heads back.
  • Back at the scene, the man he left behind is dead. To make matters worse, another truck filled with Mexicans shows up and drives after him, shooting. Moss makes a daring escape but has to leave his truck behind.
  • When he gets home, Moss puts his wife on a bus and heads to a motel in Del Rio. While there, he stashes his briefcase full of money in an air duct.
  • Back at the motel later that night, he sees a suspicious looking truck parked nearby and asks the cabbie to take him somewhere else.
  • Moss goes to a sporting goods store to buy a shotgun and a bunch of tent poles. He uses the tent poles to retrieve his briefcase from another part of the motel. While doing so, he hears a firefight erupt in a different part of the motel. He hits the road and hitchhikes away from the slaughter.
  • When he reaches his next hotel, Moss pays the front desk clerk to let him know if anyone else checks in that night. In bed, he realizes that there's no way a person could have tracked him to his last motel without some help. There's a transponder in the briefcase! He gets out his shotgun and waits on his bed.
  • Chigurh shows up and Moss engages him in a long firefight. Moss eventually wounds Chigurh, who gets away.
  • Moss then crosses the border into Mexico to get medical attention. When he wakes up in a hospital bed, Carson Wells is sitting near him with a bouquet of flowers. Wells tells Moss to hand him the money if he wants protection from Chigurh. He leaves his number and tells Moss to think about it.
  • Moss makes the call to Carson Wells but gets Chigurh instead. He realizes that Chigurh has killed Wells. Chigurh tries to offer him a deal to save his wife, but Moss refuses and tells Chigurh he's coming after him.
  • Moss goes to El Paso, where he plans on meeting his wife and putting her on a plane with all their money. Before he can meet her, though, a gang of Mexicans shows up and kills him. We never even get to see the guy die onscreen, which, if you ask us, is a total rip off.