North and South Compassion and Forgiveness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Volume.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"You consider all who are unsuccessful in raising themselves in the world, from whatever cause, as your enemies, then, if I understand you rightly. (1.10.23)

It doesn't take Margaret long to pin down Mr. Thornton's views on the world. She thinks that he basically has no compassion and that he blames poor people for being poor. 

Quote #5

She lifted the thin soft hair from off the temples, and bathed them with water. Nicholas understood all her signs for different articles with the quickness of love, and even the round-eyed sister moved with laborious gentleness at Margaret's 'hush!' (1.11.45)

Nicholas Higgins and his working class family are stunned at the compassion that the young and higher-class Margaret Hale shows toward Bessy Higgins. They're used to a world where you're on your own if things go wrong. But Margaret is from a strong community where the expectation is for people to look out for one another. 

Quote #6

As she went along the crowed narrow streets, she felt how much of interest they had gained by the simple fact of her having learnt to care for a dweller in them. (1.13.1)

The moment she has found someone to look after (Bessy Higgins), Margaret finds that the town of Milton has become much more interesting for her. Margaret seems to be one of those people who doesn't know what to do with herself when she isn't looking after someone else.