North and South Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Volume.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Oh, my Margaret—my Margaret! no one can tell what you are to me! Dead—cold as you lie there, you are the only woman I ever loved! Oh, Margaret—Margaret!" (1.22.55)

After Margaret takes a rock in the head to protect him from an angry mob, Mr. Thornton is worried that she has been killed. It's at this moment that he realizes he truly loves her and will do anything to be with her. Little does he know that the rock only grazed Margaret's noggin, and that she's fine. 

Quote #8

"How dared he say that he would love her still, even though she shook him off with contempt?" (1.25.1)

After she rejects Mr. Thornton's marriage proposal, Margaret feels offended by the fact that the guy promised to keep loving her forever no matter what. Many people would find this gesture romantic, but Margaret actually finds it offensive. 

Quote #9

"I think I love [my baby] a great deal better than my husband, who is getting stout, and grumpy—what he calls 'busy.'" (2.4.2)

The shine of marriage is quickly wearing off for Edith Shaw. So she puts all of her frustrated love into her baby, since she finds her husband getting grumpier and pudgier with every new day of marriage.