The Once and Future King Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph.)

Quote #4

It is impossible to explain how these things happen. Perhaps the Spancel had a strength in it. Perhaps it was because she was twice his age, so that she had twice the power of his weapons. Perhaps it was because Arthur was always a simple fellow, who took people at their own valuation easily. Perhaps it was because he had never known a mother of his own, so that the rôle of mother love, as she stood there with her children behind her, took him between wind and water. (Q.14.16)

Love is complex. Even when we might be tempted to write off Morgause's seduction of Arthur as just a result of magic, there are other possible reasons and motivations at play.

Quote #5

She was not a minx, not deceitful, not designing and heartless. She was pretty Jenny, who could think and feel. (K.4.49)

The first step toward really loving someone is to recognize them as a real person who has thoughts and feelings of their own. Lancelot here discovers this, and takes his first fateful step toward falling in love with Guenever.

Quote #6

Lancelot had kept himself away for a whole year, but there was a limit to his endurance. Thinking of her all the time and longing to be back with her, he had allowed himself this one indulgence. He had sent his captives to kneel at her feet. (K.8.80)

When you care enough to send the very best. Since there's no Hallmark store or FTD flower delivery service in medieval England, Lancelot sends the next best thing: prisoners.