The One and Only Ivan Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The One and Only Ivan? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What do poodles represent?

Dogs that Bob thinks aren't street enough for him to hang with
The Apocalypse
Unattainable standards of beauty in the animal kingdom
The non-sporting group
Q. What does Ivan want to draw someday?

A bath
Ideas and things that don't exist
Plans for a tree house
Q. How would you sum up Julia's relationship to Ivan?

She is one of his biggest fans.
They both prefer to wear denim smocks.
She inspires him to be an artist.
All of the above… excluding the smocks.
Q. What did Ivan's parents name him?

Ivan the Great
Curious George
Ivan the Terrible
Q. What are me-balls?

Dried vegan meatballs
Dried gorilla excrement
Chimp hair
An alternative to meatballs