One Whole and Perfect Day Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around One Whole and Perfect Day? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What studly junior does Lily have a crush on?

Simon Leslie
Leo Harmon
Daniel Steadman
Stan Samson
Q. Tracy Gilman is notorious for being what?

Quiet and mousy
Popular and mean
A great actress
Q. What is Jessaline's dream?

To be a famous linguist
To open her own restaurant
To be a fashion designer
To go out with Lonnie
Q. Why does Stan want to help Lucy?

Because her parents probably wrote her off just like he did to Lonnie
To spite the women who made fun of her on the train
Because she reminds him of Lily
Because she deserves a nicer dress
Q. Mrs. Nightingale is passionate about what two things?

Reality television and classical music
Her family and her cats
Card games and books
The Kardashians and Justin Bieber