The Orange Houses Drugs and Alcohol Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The cabinet had no stash tonight. He was about to jet when something in the back of the cabinet caught his eye—a dim glint. The microwave clock light reflected off something peeking out from behind a fat bag of sugar. Jimmi shoved the sugar aside and found a Colt .45, old-school silver. (23.9) 

Jimmi's search for drugs leads him to find a gun and contemplate his suicide. We see the connection between drugs and depression firsthand, but Jimmi doesn't seem to get it. We are left wondering what kind of guy Jimmi would be with no drugs at all. 

Quote #8

"Let us take you to the hospital, Jimmi," Mik said.

"So they can drug me back into the great big lie?"

"What lie?" Mik said.

"That everything's okay." He kissed NaNa's cheek as he left.

"Shouldn't we stop him?" Mik said.

"Only he can stop him," NaNa said. (29.11-16) 

NaNa teaches Mik and Fatima a tough lesson about Jimmi: It's sweet that they want to help him so much, but ultimately, he's the only one who can help himself. Drugs are powerful, and Jimmi has to be the one to decide to quit them or he'll just relapse again. 

Quote #9

The field wasn't as he'd remembered. Here were boosted cars now. Stripped and torched they would ugly the meadow for ages. Methamphetamine vials crackled under his soles like bubble pack. (31.12) 

When Jimmi tries to give Joe a proper send-off, it backfires, and the peaceful field where Jimmi planned to lay his friend to rest is actually littered with drug paraphernalia and trash. Jimmi's not the only one who can't get his act together.