The Orange Houses Foreignness and the "Other" Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Was a roomful of illegals on the third floor. Gate to the fire escape was rusted shut. Five Chinese living in a single room, you believe it? Hell we gonna do for takeout delivery now?" The old man spit. "Only good thing about it is we don't gotta deal with that stinking old German shepherd no more." (16.11) 

Describing Joe's death, the old man complains about the immigrants Joe offered a home to. Again, we see the reluctance of people to accept foreigners, even in times of tragedy. Joe helps the less fortunate out, yet he's ridiculed here because the ones he helped aren't from America. 

Quote #5

Y'all watch out for them tourists. They come over here acting all ignorant, trick you into showing 'em around, next thing you know they buying you dinner and drinks with drugs slipped in them, and you're back at their hotel, no idea how you got there or why half y'all's clothes are on the floor. (21.14) 

NaNa and Mik's mom's advice for the girls when they visit the Statue of Liberty is important to our understanding of the culture in NYC in the book: All around Mik and Fatima, people don't trust outsiders. 

Quote #6

A pack of girls shoved Fatima before they ran off. Their screams blew out Mik's hearing aids. They said something about horror, or terror. "Did they just call you a—"


"Yo!" Mik said. "Come back here and say that."

"Do not bait them," Fatima said.

"Folks are ignorant. You gotta lose the scarf." (22.6-10)

When Fatima is labeled a terrorist just for walking down the street, Mik is outraged, but sadly, Fatima is used to it by now. Their reactions show us how hurtful and inaccurate the accusation is, while highlighting the fact that this is typical for Fatima to endure.