The Orange Houses Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The girls were doing it, creating the only thing that mattered— not the mural, though that was stunning with its flying Liberty. The only thing that mattered was what had made them paint it. (31.14) 

The thing that made them paint it? Friendship. Jimmi recognizes how unique it is for people to find real friends. He certainly has a tough time keeping them himself, and he sees the mural as a testament to the friendship that Fatima and Mik share. 

Quote #5

"Make Brother Joe Knows happy, child," Mom said. "Make us happy. Fatima, this money? It's nothing until you let us put it to this." (32.10) 

Fatima can't believe it when Mik's mom wants to pay for her immigration paperwork, even though it will cost all of her savings and then some. She's used to making it on her own. Real friends don't need to be asked to help their buddies out, though. 

Quote #6

"The Liberty we painted on the PD garage? It wasn't that good."

He shook no. "You still haven't figured it out. The bombs can fall and waste us, but what you two made will last forever." (38.10-11) 

Here, Mik can't figure out why Jimmi loves the mural so much. Check out what he says about bombs and lasting forever. We know the mural won't last forever, but to Jimmi, the fact that the girls painted it in the first place—because of their friendship—will endure bombs and then some.