The Orange Houses Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Do not fear, little one. My door is always open to you. How would I say this in sign?" 

"Why you want to know?" 

"For when I return to my country. To teach the children. Show me." 

Mik showed her. Fatima was a quick study. (13.14-17) 

Foreshadowing alert: Fatima thinks she'll use her sign language to teach kids from her home country, but we're thinking she plans on returning under slightly different circumstance than she winds up finding herself in. Her insistence on learning a new language shows us that she still thinks about the kids in her hometown, even when she's far away from them, though, and that she wants to give them exciting new opportunities through language. 

Quote #8

While Mik was in the bathroom Fatima studied a free Spanish paper. Articles were translated into English on the opposite page. Fatima taught herself the language as she hunted for news from the east. (26.2) 

Add another language to Fatima's resume because there's just no stopping this girl. We can't help but wonder why she learns so many different languages instead of mastering one. Perhaps it's so she can soak up as much knowledge as she can—or maybe it's to be as diverse as possible. 

Quote #9

With the sign my sister Mik taught me, they will ask me to lead a new school. There are many who will be eager to know what I have learned here. This is a remarkable opportunity for me. I will send you many letters and tell you of my progress. (42.7) 

It's a small comfort to Mik that Fatima will get to use her new sign language skills when she gets back home. Fatima taught Mik a lot about friendship and being herself, and Mik taught Fatima about another language.