The Orange Houses Life, Consciousness, and Existence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Now there was nobody to talk to. Maybe this was God's way of telling Jimmi the time had come to end this life filled with too many lousy surprises. (23.13) 

For a guy who seems intent on wasting away his life, Jimmi sure does read into everything. He takes his loneliness as a sign from God, even though he doesn't really believe in one or in an afterlife. Hmm… this makes us think Jimmi isn't really certain about what he believes about his own existence. 

Quote #8

He put the gun to his heart, pulled the trigger, click. He'd been doing this on and off for the last day, rehearsal for the real deal. (25.3)

Does Jimmi really want to kill himself, or is he just down in the dumps? It's no joking matter—yet Jimmi plays around with the gun for a while before doing anything. Perhaps he's not actually suicidal. 

Quote #9

At the desk they gave him what he brought in: his backpack and Joe's ashes. As he stepped out into the sunlight he felt as if Life loved him a little, but the feeling didn't last. (28.15) 

Jimmi experiences big ups and downs. When he's happy, he thinks life or some supernatural power is looking out for him, but when he's down, he's ready to throw his whole life away.