How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
When [Conrad] was in the hospital, Lazenby wrote him his only letter […] at the bottom of the page, "I miss you, man." He had read it a million times before he finally threw it away. (12.11)
On the surface, it seems like this sentence is about Conrad throwing the letter away, which he did. But as we see from Conrad's strained relationship with Lazenby, he threw the friendship away, too.
Quote #5
Needing new friends. But how? (16.7)
This is number three on Conrad's list of unofficial New Year's resolutions: Friends. However, he doesn't try to make new friends; what he does eventually do is make up with certain old ones.
Quote #6
"I guess I think of you has a friend." (16.59)
Conrad thinks of Dr. Berger as a friend. Berger says he feels the same. Either these two are invalidating some sort of medical code that demands doctors and patients remain emotionally distant, or Berger is helping Conrad by giving him what he truly needs in his time of crisis: friendship.