How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"Laze," he says, "we're still friends." "Are we?" Lazenby's voice is flat, strained. (22.49)
If we could see Lazenby's perspective, we would see how hurt he is by Conrad not talking to him. Conrad lost a brother, and Lazenby lost not one but two friends as a result.
Quote #8
It is Lazenby holding him up. (22.37)
This short line refers to Lazenby literally supporting Conrad after a fight. But it is here that Conrad realizes that Lazenby can be an emotional support, too, since he is a good friend—unlike the other boys Conrad hangs out with.
Quote #9
"What, visit friends? Yeah, I do it occasionally. Hey, you can do the same, you know." (Epilogue.8)
Berger has a sly way of giving advice to Conrad, even outside the office. He has to gently push Conrad in Lazenby's direction because he knows it would be good for him, even if making up is hard to do.