Paperboy Drugs and Alcohol Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Get your drunk ass up to the bathtub.

I'm not drunk… I'm shick of looking at you.

The voice was Mrs. Worthington's with her whiskey talking.

Every day I come home you're sot drunk. I'm tired of— (6.15-18)

Yikes, things aren't looking (or sounding) so good in the Worthington household. Mrs. Worthington and her husband aren't getting along, and her drinking problem seems to only make it worse.

Quote #5

I can't tell you what they feel but I know it puts the devil inside 'em and I know it never did nobody no good. Who do you know that gets drunk? (6.47)

When Victor asks Mam about what happens to people when they drink, she immediately gets suspicious. She also tells him that nothing good will come of drinking—and that it only makes people do things they regret.

Quote #6

She went inside her house and closed the door that Mr. Worthington had almost busted the glass out of the week before. Mrs. Worthington didn't have to say much for me to tell what kind of day she was having. I had already seen her angry eyes. Her happy eyes. Her whiskey eyes. I had just seen her empty eyes. (7.10)

Victor usually sees Mrs. Worthington drunk as a skunk, but one day he sees her when she's more sober and he can tell just how empty she is inside. Maybe that's why she's always drinking—she's trying to keep that emptiness at bay.