Paperboy Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Friday morning my father surprised me by saying he was going to take off work that afternoon and we could have lunch anywhere I wanted and take in a matinee. (8.8)

Victor's dad is a family man. Even though he normally works a lot and sometimes gets home late (or takes off for a business trip), he still tries to make time for his family, and especially for Victor. That's because he loves the kid.

Quote #5

s-s-s-s-If you're s-s-s-s-awake can we s-s-s-s-talk?

Mornin', Little Man.

The way Mam said Little Man always made me feel good. It was a good way to start the day. (11.5-7)

When Victor's parents are out of town, Mam stays in the other bed in Victor's room. It's nice to have her there, especially because he feels safe and understood so long as she's around.

Quote #6

Somebody had hurt Mam and she had been quiet and moving slow all week but she was smiling when she sang with her choir about angels with wings and about going to heaven. Seeing Mam happy always led me into a calmer way of thinking. I sat out on the wooden benches so I could watch Mam. She mostly kept her eyes on the man who was leading the choir but she smiled every time she looked over at me and I gave her back a good smile. (11.50)

Victor's been worried sick about Mam since she came back with all those injuries, so when he sees her smiling from her place in the choir, he's relieved. The Mam he knows and loves is back.