Paperboy Race Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Another question I had been wanting to ask Mam came to me. I knew part of the answer but it didn't make any sense.

s-s-s-s-Why do they s-s-s-s-make you ride in the s-s-s-s-back of the s-s-s-s-bus? (11.53-54)

The idea that Mam has to always sit at the back of the bus confuses Victor. It doesn't make any sense that she wouldn't be allowed to sit at the front. Why are there all of these stupid rules in place, anyway?

Quote #5

Thinking about somebody hurting Mam and then remembering all the stupid rules that Mam had to live by just because of her color made going to sleep a hard job. I guess I had a Vengeful Heart because I could feel it busting like when the stuffing comes out of an old baseball. (11.60)

Even though Mam pretends like the rules don't bother her, Victor knows that they do… and that makes him mad. He wants to fix things so that Mam doesn't have to follow any of those ridiculous rules anymore.

Quote #6

Mam could get into the zoo for free after noon on Wednesdays if she wore her white uniform and went in the gate with me. She couldn't go to the zoo on any day that she wanted to like I could. More silly rules by grown-ups. (12.3)

There are rules about everything when it comes to white and black people. Mam can't even go to the zoo as she pleases; she can only enter if she's accompanied by Victor on a Wednesday afternoon.