Paperboy Wisdom and Knowledge Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Talking is hard for me but listening and looking when you know things aren't the way they should be can be hard on me too. (4.89)

Victor has a hard time talking, but it's also hard for him to see things that are going wrong and to not be able to do anything about them. Now that he's older, he's starting to see the injustices in the world, and it sure does bother him.

Quote #5

I liked the way Mr. Spiro didn't beat around the bush. Answering the question without any extra words and talking to me like I was a grown-up. He could have just said Lucky Guess but Mr. Spiro seemed like a guy who respected a kid enough not to lie or give a short answer. (5.42)

The nice thing about Mr. Spiro is that he doesn't talk to Victor like he's a dumb little kid. Instead he talks to him like an adult and listens to what he has to say. That's how he keeps the conversation going.

Quote #6

Mr. Spiro smiled another new kind of smile.

Tis rude of me to go out of the country but it's a favorite quote of mine that rings more true in the original French. It translates: Speech was given to man to disguise his thoughts. (5.71-72)

Mr. Spiro also introduces Victor to all sorts of cool philosophical thinkers. He tells Victor the things that they've said about all the big topics in life—like language, love, and how knowledge helps you to grow.