Parable of the Sower Compassion and Forgiveness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: The main text of the story is cited (Chapter.Paragraph). The date headers are not counted as paragraphs. The verses in the chapters with a single passage from the narrator's religious texts are cited (Chapter.Verse.Line#). In chapters with multiple passages, the verses are cited (Chapter.Verse#.Line#). The four section pages with the years and passages are cited (Year.Verse).

Quote #10

I looked at [Emery's] bruised, swollen face. Bankole had given her something for her pain. I was grateful for that, and half-angry at him for refusing to give me anything. He didn't understand my numbness and grogginess back at the copse, and it disturbed him. Well at least that had faded away. Let him die three or four times and see how he feels. No, I'm glad he'll never know how it feels. It makes no sense at all. I keep catching myself wondering how it is that I'm still alive. (24.110)

It's clear that Lauren experiences her hyperempathy syndrome as a major challenge. This is one of the moments when she thinks it'd be a good idea for others to have to experience it, too. She never quite makes up her mind on that point, however. She's definitely surprised that she's survived as long as she has—and we at Shmoop are surprised she made it so far too. But, she's tough. Go Lauren.