Parable of the Sower Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: The main text of the story is cited (Chapter.Paragraph). The date headers are not counted as paragraphs. The verses in the chapters with a single passage from the narrator's religious texts are cited (Chapter.Verse.Line#). In chapters with multiple passages, the verses are cited (Chapter.Verse#.Line#). The four section pages with the years and passages are cited (Year.Verse).

Quote #10

"How serious are you about this?"

The question drove me deep into myself. I spoke, almost not knowing what I would say. "When my father ... disappeared," I began, "it was Earthseed that kept me going. When most of my community and the rest of my family were wiped out, and I was alone, I still had Earthseed. What I am now, all that I am now is Earthseed." (21.33-34)

What is it that would drive a teenager not only to create her own religion, but also to find success in spreading it and migrating far away as a refugee? It seems Earthseed functions as a sort of organizing principle for Lauren, something she can hold on to in times of crisis and find meaning and guidance in. That's what religion or philosophy is for a lot of people, of course, but it's unusual for someone to develop her own system. However, it doesn't seem like Lauren just did it for fun; rather, she was driven to do it in order to simply survive what she was experiencing.