Limits Resources
Best of the Web. Picked by our PhDs

Math is fun makes math…fun? This site is solid and will take you through a bunch of limit ideas in case you need a second opinion.

What are limits? If you just don't know, come here and find out. Limits aren't nearly as mysterious as birds, anyway.

Don't let the fact that this is a page for bona-fide Calculus intimidate you. Paul always knows his stuff, and he's always great about explaining stuff in an easy-to-read way. We don't think he knows what the deal with birds is, though.

We like pretty pictures, and we like them even more when they help us solve math problems. We admit it, we're easy to please.

Kahn can talk about limits until your ears bleed, but in a very understandable and friendly way.

The "BEST" explanation, huh? We'll let you be the judge, Shmooper.

We got caught in an infinite loop once. It wasn't nearly as hard to get out of as you might think.
Games and Tools

A way to check our answers while finding limits? We've hit pay dirt. Of course, we have to find the limit first to be able to check our answer.

Another limit calculator for your mathematical enjoyment. This one has one- and two-sided limits.

A quiz, you say? On limits, you say? How delightful. Keep click-click-clicking until you've seen every question.