Pudd'nhead Wilson Morality and Ethics Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Under the influence of a great mental and moral upheaval [Tom's] character and habits had taken on the appearance of complete change, but after a while with the subsidence of the storm both began to settle toward their former place. (10.11)

Sigh. Well, that was nice while it lasted. Sometimes moral change can be awfully short-lived.

Quote #8

[Tom] whirled off another dead huzza, and said, "I'm reformed, and this time I'll stay so, sure!" (14.24)

Ha! Why do you think it's so difficult for Tom to maintain his vow to change his ways for the better?

Quote #9

For a whole week [Tom] was not able to sleep well, so much the villainy which he had played upon his trusting mother preyed upon his rag of a conscience; but after that he began to get comfortable again, and was presently able to sleep like any other miscreant. (16.14)

On top of his criminal activities, Tom's willingness to sell his mother down the river puts him squarely in the Bad Guy literary hall of fame. But the scariest thing about this bad guy may be that, despite his awareness of his evil ways, he's not capable of changing them.