- It looks like we accidentally turned on an infomercial instead of the movie.
- It's called Tappy Tibbons' Months of Fury.
- An audience chants over and over, "Juice by Tappy! Juice by Tappy! Juice by Tappy!"
- Tappy Tibbons himself introduces a woman named Mary, prompting the audience to change their chant.
- "Juice by Mary! Juice by Mary! Juice by Mary!"
- The picture turns to fuzz.
- Turns out we were watching the movie all along.
- A young man named Harold has unplugged the TV.
- He's going to sell his mother's TV, but she has chained it to the wall. Seems like he's done this before.
- Ma hides in her bedroom while Harold yells at her for making him feel guilty.
- She slides the key to the TV chain under the door, and he rolls the TV away.
- How's she going to watch her infomercials now?