Requiem for a Dream Themes
Drugs and Alcohol
You've heard of the term "gateway drug." If you haven't, it's basically a drug that will lead to other harder drugs. For example, you've just said "no" to Starbucks for years. But one Monday, you d...
Dreams, Hopes, and Plans
In case you missed the poster, the title screen, the name on the Blu-ray case, and our "What's Up With the Title?" section (shame on you) this movie is called Requiem for a Dream. "Dream" is right...
In 1969, Harry Nilsson sang "One." What about it? That it's the loneliest number, of course.Harry Nilsson was wrong.The loneliest number might be sixty-five. Why that number? Because social isolati...
"Hey, I'm happy and I'm in a wonderful mood. Let's shoot up!"…said no one ever. Nobody does drugs because they're happy. Drugs may appear to turn that frown upside down, but it's only for an inst...