How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"The main tools of our trade are common sense, courage, and the keeping of accurate records, so we can learn from the past." (4.25)
Basically, a Spook is like a really smart accountant. Except, instead of balancing books, a Spook has to balance on that delicate tightrope between life and death.
Quote #5
"Be brave and there's nothing much a ghast can do." (4.30)
The ghasts in Revenge of the Witch aren't scary like the ghosts and demons of popular horror films. The only real danger with these spirits lies inside your own head. Sometimes, you just have to be brave enough to stand up to yourself.
Quote #6
"You showed courage, real courage, and you saved a child's life." (10.60)
Even though Tom didn't follow the Spook's rules to the T (and you've seen how important those are), the Spook still rewards Tom's courageous acts. Yes, he rewards them with praise instead of a cheeseburger, but his words are worth a lot.