How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"Family can be a nuisance." (4.28)
Well, that's one way of saying it. We know that Spook's father beat him. So this line shows that the Spook has come to terms with his family, and their attitude toward him. That, or he's putting on a strong face for Tom.
Quote #8
Six brothers had given me plenty of practice at fighting. (6.48)
Families aren't all love and hugs, especially when six brothers have to share one bathroom. That kind of physical rivalry ends up being an asset to Tom's work as the Spook's apprentice.
Quote #9
"You come from a family of murderers and you're a murderer yourself!" (11.72)
Tom judges Alice by her family. Whether he's right or not remains to be seen. But we often think that the behavior of a person's family tells us something about that person. Two hundred years ago, Mr. Darcy thought Elizabeth was trashy because of her family. Today, we think all of the Kardashians must be trashy too. They're guilty by association.