The Rocky Horror Picture Show Foreignness and the Other Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Quote #7

FRANK: Do you have any tattoos, Brad?

BRAD: Certainly not!

Brad reinforces himself as a "normal" and "good" Texas boy by assuring Frank he would never do anything as subversive as getting a tattoo. By the end of the movie, though, Brad will let himself explore the other side by dressing as Frank, and appearing to enjoy it.

Quote #8

RIFF RAFF: Frank N Furter, it's all over. Your mission is a failure. Your lifestyle's too extreme. I'm your new commander. You now are my prisoner. We return to Transylvania. Prepare the transit beam.

The film makes a bit of an effort to normalize the inhabitants of the castle, who are weird and foreign to Brad and Janet. Brad and Janet become like them, and there's initially no harm in it. But things soon spiral out of control, showing us that the castle's denizens aren't just harmless freaks, but dangerous cannibal aliens from another planet. Brad and Janet should have stayed in white-bread Denton, Texas after all.