The Rules of Survival Chapter 26 Summary


  • At home that afternoon, things are weird. It turns out that Callie really did get her period and so she's all moody and doesn't want to talk to Matthew, while Emmy keeps insisting on talking to Murdoch, even when Matthew tells her that she's not allowed to.
  • He also can't stop wondering about Julie, Murdoch's neighbor, and whether or not she's his new girlfriend. He reminds himself that Murdoch isn't their property; they don't get to claim him.
  • As he mulls over this, Matthew comes to the conclusion that the kids are basically Nikki's property—or at least that's how she treats them. They're like slaves to an unpredictable master.
  • The phone rings all of a sudden and before he can stop her, Emmy runs up and picks it up as though it's Murdoch calling. It's not Murdoch, though; it's Aunt Bobbie, and she says that she's coming over in a half hour.
  • It turns out that Nikki is hurt and that she told the authorities that Murdoch beat her up. Of course, Matthew knows that it wouldn't happen like that. He has to figure out the truth.