The Rules of Survival Steaminess Rating

Exactly how steamy is this story?


Sex isn't exactly at the forefront of Matthew's mind in The Rules of Survival, but that doesn't mean it's not mentioned in the book. Nikki's constant stream of male visitors is noted in the book, but not in any real or vulgar detail—her dating habits are just brought up so that the reader can see how she goes out a lot and brings back a lot of different men. Her ability to charm men with her beauty is also what allows her to trick them into doing things for her… like going to beat up Murdoch for no apparent reason.

Sex aside, this book paints a pretty bleak and frightening picture of life under the reign of an abusive parent. So while you can totally read it aloud with your grandma, the material is decided unsuited for younger readers thanks to the violence that crops up time and again.